Beautify, unpack or deobfuscate JavaScript, make JSON/JSONP readable, etc..
All of the source code is available on the github, and we have a command-line version and a python library as well.
JSBeautifier is — and always will be — completely free and open, and your thanks, flattrs and donations are very heartwarming — thank you all so much!
Browser extensions and other uses:
- A bookmarklet (drag it to your bookmarks) by Ichiro Hiroshi to see all scripts used on the page,
- Chrome: jsbeautify-for-chrome by Tom Rix,
- Chrome: Pretty Beautiful JavaScript by Will McSweeney,
- Firefox: Javascript deminifier by Ben Murphy,
to be used together with the firebug (github),
- Safari: Safari extension by Sandro Padin,
- Opera: Readable JavaScript (github) by Dither,
- Opera: Source extension by Deathamns,
- Fiddler proxy: JavaScript Formatter addon,
- gEdit tips by Fabio Nagao,
- Akelpad extension by Infocatcher,
- Beautifier in Emacs write-up by Seth Mason,
- Cloud9, a lovely IDE running in a browser, working in the node/cloud, uses jsbeautifier (github),
- Shrinker, a non-free JavaScript packer for Mac. I haven't used it, so I have no idea if it's any good,
- REST Console, a request debugging tool for Chrome, beautifies JSON responses (github).
- Doing anything interesting? Write me to and I'll include your link.
IE6. You must be kidding me.